Publications |
" Genetic Engineering Dream or
Nightmare? The Brave New World of Bad
Science and Big Business," Dr.
Mae Wan Ho: 1997. |
"The Biotech Century,"Jeremy
Rifkin: 1998. |
"The Violence of the Green Revolution:
Third World Agriculture, Ecology and
Politics. London: Zed Books Ltd., Shiva,
V.: 1991. |
"Ecological Cost of Economic
Globalisation," Dr. Vandana Shiva,
Afsar H. Jafri, Gitanjali Bedi: 1997
(Booklet prepared for UN General Assembly
Special Session on Rio (UNGASS). |
"Enclosure and Recovery of the
Biological and Intellectual Commons:
Biodiversity, Indigenous Knowledge and
Intellectual Property Rights,"
Vandana Shiva, Afsar H. Jafri, Gitanjali
Bedi & Radha Holla-Bhar: 1997. |
"Biopiracy Factsheets: Factsheets
on Indian Medicinal Plants and Patents,"
Research Foundation for Science, Technology
and Ecology (a compilation of twenty
factsheets of commonly used Indian medicinal
plants that have been patented). |
"Biopiracy: the Plunder of Nature
and Knowledge,"Vandana Shiva: 1997. |
"Globalisation of Agriculture
and the Growth of Food Insecurity: A
Report of the Intellectual Conference
on Globalisation, Food Security and
Sustainable Agriculture, 1996. |
"Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking
of the Global Food Supply." Vandana
Shiva: 2000. |
"Biopolitics: A Feminist and
Ecological Reader on Biotechnology,"
Vandana Shiva: 1995. |
"Genetically Engineered Food:
A Self-Defense Guide For Consumers,"
Ronnie Cummins and Ben Lilliston. |
"How the Terminator Terminates:
An Explanation for the Non-scientist
of a Remarkable Patent for Killing Second
Generation Seeds of Crop Plants"
by Martha L. Crouch, Associate Professor
of Biology, Indiana University, USA |
"Genetic Engineering, Food and
Our Environment," Luke Anderson. |
"How to Avoid GM Food,"Joanna
Blythman. |
"Genetically Engineered Food:
Changing the Nature of Nature: What
You need to Know to Protect Yourself,
Your Family, and Our Planet," Martin
Teitel, Kimberly A. Wilson, Ralph Nader. |
"The Age of Access: The New Culture
of Hypercapitalism, Where All of Life
is a Paid-For Experience,"Jeremy
Rifkin. |
"Rats in the Grain: The Dirty
Tricks of the Supermarket to the
World Archer Daniels Midland,
James B. Lieber. |
"GMOs and Disease and Pest Resistance,"Professor
Martin Wolf, a paper of The Edmonds
Institute: 1998. |
"How Secure is Our Food? Food
Security & Agriculture Under the
New GATT & WTO," Womens
Environmental Development Organization. |
"Suffer the Children," Nell
Boyce, New Scientist, Archive 14 March
1998. |
"What is Genetic Engineering?
An Elementary Introduction for the Layman." |
"Corporate Designed Food,"Maude
Barlow and Chee Yoke Ling, University
of Quebec at Montreal, January 22, 2000. |
"Hazards of CaMV Promoter,"
Nature Biotechnology, 18, 363, J. Cummins,
Mae-Wan Ho and Angela Ryan: 2000. |
"Patent Threat to Research,"
Nature 384, 108, B.C. Goodwin, P.T.
Saunders, Mae-Wan Ho, et. al. :1996. |
"Genetic Engineering: Hope or
Hoax?" Third World Resurgence 53/54,
28-29, Mae-Wan Ho: 1995. |
"Are Genetically Engineered Foods
Safe?" Third World Resurgence,
Mae-Wan Ho: 1996. |
"Unravelling Gene Biotechnology,"
Soundings 1, 77-98, Mae-Wan Ho: 1996. |
"The Unholy
Alliance," The Ecologist 27, 152-158,
Mae-Wan Ho: 1997.
Educational Publications |
"How Schools Shortchange Girls,"The
American Association for University
Women Educational Foundation and National
Education Association Report: 1992. |
"School Girls: Young Women, Self-Esteem
and the Confidence Gap," Peggy Orenstein
in association with the AAUW: 1994.
"Turning on Learning: Five Approaches
for Multicultural Teaching Plans for
Race, Class, Gender and Disability,"
Carl A. Grant and Christine E. Sleeter:
1999. |
"Gender Gaps: Where Schools Still
Fail Our Children, American Association
for University Women: 1998. |
"Growing Smart: What’s Working for
Girls in School,"American Association
for University Women: 1995. |
"A Hand Up: Women Mentoring Women
in Science,"Association for Women in
Science. |
"Girls in the Middle: Working to Succeed
in School,"American Association for
University Women: 1996. |
"Equitable Mathematics and Science
Education: Gender-Fair Multi-Cultural
Models," WEEA. |
"Women of Color in Mathematics, Science
& Engineering: A Review of the Literature,"
Center for Women Policy Studies: 1991. |
"The Chilly Classroom Climate: A Guide
to Improve the Education of Women,"
National Association for Women in Education. |
"Failing at Fairness: How America’s
Schools Cheat Girls," Sadker and Sadker:
1994. |
"Past the Pink and Blue Predicament:
Freeing the Next Generation from Sex
Stereotypes," Girls, Incorporated: 1992. |
"Equity Materials in Mathematics,
Science & Technology: A Resource Guide,"
Mid-Atlantic Eisenhower Consortium for
Mathematics and Science Education, Research
for Better Schools: 1995. |
"Center for Research on Women: Catalog
1995-1996," Wellesley College Center
for Research on Women. |
"Gender Equity for All Students: 1996
Catalog," WEEA Equity Resource Center. |
"Shortchanging Girls, Shortchanging
America: Full Data Report,"AAUW: 1990. |
"Sexism in the Classroom: From Grade
School to Graduate School," David Sadker
and Myra Sadker: 1986. |
"Better Than Rubies: A History of
Women’s Education," Phyllis Stock: 1978.
"How Schools Can Stop Shortchanging
Girls: Gender Equity Strategies, A Practical
Manual for K-12 Educators," Kathryn
A. Wheeler. |
"Beyond Dolls & Guns: 101 Ways to
Help Children Avoid Gender Bias," Susan
Hoy Crawford. |
"Generations of Women: In Search of
Female Forebears," Friedensohn & Rubin. |
"I Dream A World: Portraits of Black
Women Who Changed America," Brian Lanker. |
"Great Books For Girls," Kathleen
Odean: 1997. |
"The American Almanac: An Inspiring
and Irreverent Women’s History,"Louise
Bernikow: 1997. |
"American Women’s History: An A to
Z of People, Organizations, Issues and
Events," Doris Weatherford:1994. |
"The Reader’s Companion to U.S. Women’s
History," Edited by Wilma Mankiller,
Gwendolyn Mink, Marysa Navarro, Barbara
Smith, and Gloria Steinem: 1998. |
"An Examination of Racial/Ethnic and
Gender Bias in Curriculum-based Measurement
of Reading," John Kranzler and David
Miller: 1999. |
"Toward a Gender Balanced Curriculum:
Infusing Women’s Studies into American
History," Barbara Cruz: 1998. |
"Equity Under the Microscope: Forgotten
Women in Math and Science," Connie Nobels
and Shirley McDonald: 1996. |
"A Great Balancing Act: Equitable
Education for Girls and Boys,"Anne Chapman:
1997. |
"Raising the Grade, A Title IX Curriculum,"
Paula Fleming and Susan Smith: 1998. |
"Why Do
We Need To Genderize? Women’s Literature
in High School," Delane Bender Slack,
English Journal Vol. 88, No. 3, Jan.
1999. |
Reproductive Rights and Health Care |
"Reproductive Freedom in the States,"
Center for Reproductive Law and Policy:
1998. |
"A State-by-State Review of Abortion
and Reproductive Rights," Elizabeth
Arndorder, Jodi Michael, Laura Moskowitz,
Liza Siebel and Julie A. Grant, DIANE
Publishing Company: 1998. |
"Factors Hindering Access to Abortion
Services," S.K. Henshaw, Family Planning
Perspectives 27, 54-59, 87:1995. |
"Negotiating Reproductive Rights,"
Roz P. Petchesky and Karen Judd, Vol.
1. St. Martin’s Press, Inc.: 1998. |
"The Wandering Uterus: Politics and
the Reproductive Rights of Women," Cheryl
L. Meyer, New York University Press:
1997. |
"A Question of Choice," Sarah Weddington:1993. |
"When Abortion Was A Crime," Leslie
J. Reagan: 1997. |
"Breaking the Abortion Deadlock: From
Choice To Consent," Eileen L. McDonagh:
1996. |
Wars: A Half Century of Struggle 1950-2000,"
Edited by Rickie Solinger: 1998. |
Environmental Health |
"Our Stolen Future", Theo Colborn,
Dianne Dumanoski, John Pererson Myers:
1996. |
"Time Series Analysis of Sperm Concentration
in Fertile Men in Toulouse, France Between
1977 and 1992," L. Bujan, A. Mansat,
F. Pontonnier and R. Mieusset, British
Medical Journal 312: 471-472: 1996. |
"Reduced Ratios of Male to Female
Births in Several Industrial Countries:
A Sentinel Health Indicator?" D. L.
Davis, M.B. Gottlieb and J.R. Stampnitzky,
Journal of the American Medical Association
279, p.1018-1023: 1998. |
"Environmental Estrogens: Consequences
to Human Health and Wildlife. Institute
for Environment and Health (IEH), University
of Leicester, Leicester, UK: 1995. |
"Evidence of Deteriorating Semen Quality
in the United Kingdom: Birth Cohort
Study in 577 Men in Scotland over 11
years," S. Irvine, E. Cawood, D. Richardson,
E. MacDonald and J. Aitken, British
Medical Journal 312: 467-471: 1996. |
"Breast Cancer Risk and Environmental
Exposures," M.S. Wolff and A. Weston,
Environmental Health Perspectives 105,
p. 891-896: 1997. |
"Germ Cell Cancer and Disorders of
Spermatogenesis: An Environmental Connection?"
N.E. Skakkebaek, R. Rajpert-De Meyts,
N. Jorgensen, E. Carlsen, P.M. Peterson,
A. Giwercman, A.G. Andersen, T.K. Jensen,
A.M. Andersson and J. Muller, APMIS
106, p. 3-12: 1998. |
"Have Sperm Densities Declined? A
Reanalysis of Global Trend Data," S.H.
Swann, E.P. Elkin and L. Fenster, Environ.
Health Persp. 105: 1228-1232: 1997. |
"Hormone Deception," Lindsey Berkson. |
"Generations at Risk: Reproductive
Health and the Environment," Ted Schettler
and Maria Valenti: 1999. |
Caos: The Scientific and Social Origins
of the Environmental Endocrine Hypotehsis,"
Sheldon Krimsky: 1999. |
Pediatric Health |
"Pediatric Environmental Health Hazards
and the Role of Government in Adopting
Standards to Protect Children," Jennifer
Brown, Pace Environmental Law Review,
Volume 16, Number 1, Winter: 1998. |
"Secondary Sexual Characteristics
and Menses in Young Girls Seen in Office
Practice: A Study from the Pediatric
Research in Office Settings Network,"
M.E. Herman-Giddens, E.J. Slora, R.C.
Wasserman, C.J. Bourdony, M.V. Bhapkar,
G.G. Koch and C.M. Hassemeier, Pediatrics
99, p505-512: 1997. |
"The Handbook of Pediatric Environmental
Health,"American Academy of Pediatrics,
Edited by Ruth Etzel, M.D., M.P.H. and
Sophie Balk, M.D.: 1999. |
"In Harm’s Way: Toxic Threats to Child
Development," Greater Boston Chapter
of Physicians for Social Responsibility:
2000. |
"Our Children’s Toxic Legacy: How
Science and Law Fail to Protect Us from
Pesticides,"Joh Fargo: 1996. |
"Raising Children Toxic Free: How
to Keep Your Child Safe from Lead, Asbestos,
Pesticides, and Other Environmental
Hazards," Herbert Needleman, M.D. and
Phillip Landrigan, M.D. |
and Pediatric Environmental Health,"
Environmental Health Perspectives, Volume
103, Supplement, Bertram Lubin and Rachel
Lewis, Children’s Hospital Oakland Research
Institute: September, 1995. |
Economic Justice and Human Rights |
"Women’s Human Rights Step By Step,"
Women, Law & Development International
and Human Rights Watch Women’s Rights
Project: 1997. |
"Who Owns Knowledge? Who Owns the
Earth? Intellectual Property Rights
& Biodiversity Under the New GATT and
WTO," Women’s Environmental Development
Organization. |
"Understanding the Impact of Global
Economy on Women & the Environment,"Women’s
Environmental Development Organization:
1995. |
"Where Women Stand: An International
Report on the Status of Women in 140
Countries," Naomi Neft and Ann D. Levine:
1998. |
"Women’s Sourcebook: Resources and
Information to Use Every Day," Edited
by Lisa DiMona and Constance Herndon:
1994. |