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Our People Make the Difference

fred newdomFred Newdom, A.C.S.W.
Vice-President of Finance and Program Development

Vice-President of Finance and Program Development Fred Newdom, A.C.S.W., possesses over thirty years experience working in the arenas of politics, education and government. Fred is President of ProAct, an Albany, New York based consulting firm specializing in advocacy and organizational development services. Before entering the consulting field in 1987, Fred served for ten years as Executive Director of the New York State Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. Fred brings years of experience as a university professor, and chair and executive director of prominent statewide organizations. He has provided extensive training in the areas of advocacy and legislative skill development and campaign training to activists around New York State. Fred’s work includes lobbying on behalf of New York’s WIC Program, coordinating a statewide outreach campaign to make working families aware of tax credits and programs that can help meet their basic needs, and efforts to correct the draconian effects of welfare reform.

Fred’s list of accomplishments is extensive. He has served as Chair of New York State NARAL whose legislative and political committees he also chaired. Currently he chairs the Social Welfare Action Alliance, a national organization of progressive workers in social welfare.

His advocacy work includes Chair of the Human Services Counter Budget in New York and President of the New York State Association for Human Services. Fred is currently Co-Chair of the New York State National Association of Social Workers Advocacy and Government Relations Committee.

Fred brings extensive experience to Saratoga Foundation for Women Worldwide in the areas of economic justice and human rights, education and reproductive rights. Fred teaches courses in social policy and practice at the Smith School for Social Work and at the State University of New York at Albany and is co-author of the recent book "Clinical Work and Social Action: An Integration Approach."

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