Women's Health Care
Women's Health Care and Reproductive
Rights Program
Saratoga Foundation for Women Worldwide works to ensure the preservation
of a woman’s right to control her reproductive
choices, and advocates the institution of this
right in countries where women are currently denied
freedom. We conduct major research projects to
identify the status of women’s reproductive choice
in various countries, which includes information
about reproductive technologies and genetic engineering
and its consequences, from a woman’s human rights
perspective. This work forecasts socio-economic
assessments of developments in the biotechnology
Health care embraces every
aspect of our lives. Without adequate, quality
and affordable health care, women cannot work,
obtain an education or raise families. A universal
health care system which incorporates cultural
and gender related data into the health care delivery
network is crucial in every country.
A significant portion of the
health care services which women obtain and require
pertain to family planning services. In the U.S.
alone, women spend 10% or more of their income
on out-of-pocket health care costs, 68% more than
men. Contraceptive expense represents a high percentage
of this additional cost. Contraception, pregnancy
termination and tubal ligations are options for
women in some countries. However, in nations where
it is legal to obtain these services, religious
crusades labor to establish roadblocks to the
delivery of this care with the ultimate goal of
eliminating a women’s right to make her personal
reproductive decisions. In nations where these
rights do not exist at all, culture and local
custom deny women human rights afforded to men
in the same society.
the U.S. and in countries facing similar health
care crises, comprehensive, affordable, quality
health care which includes access to pregnancy
prevention and termination, a patient’s bill of
rights and remedies, access to alternative health
services, prevention of insurance or employer
mandated genetic testing and discrimination based
on such tests, are key components to ensure that
women, and their families, live healthy lives.
The Women’s Health care and
Reproductive Rights Program focuses on four major
- women’s human right to control reproductive
decision making;
- international development of reproductive
technologies and medicine, including new contraceptive
technologies marketed worldwide;
- population control programs administered in
Third World developing nations and their effect
on women’s democratic and human rights;
- and the availability of health care for women
of laws and legislation which criminalize pregnant
women’s behavior is conducted. Examination of
women are often the subjects of experimental reproductive
technologies is underway, as well as the study
of the marginalization of women due to commercial
control of reproductive technologies. Institutional
impediments to the right of women to choose whether
and when to have children is examined throughout
the world, cultural factors and biases exposed,
restriction of international family planning services
and recommendations are made for human rights
growth in this area.
International research is
conducted on women’s access to quality health
care and the impediments to obtaining health care
in countries around the globe. The Saratoga Foundation for Women Worldwide
works to empower women to more effectively participate
in the formulation of policy to guide new technology,
including applications in medicine, agriculture,
pharmaceuticals, artificial reproduction, and
genetic engineering.